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About Us

Paarl Post is a bi-lingual weekly tabloid newspaper published in English and Afrikaans every Thursday, selling 16 000 copies per week in the communities of Paarl, Wellington, Franschhoek and environs.

It has one of the largest paid circulations among weekly community newspapers in the country and is the biggest selling community paper in the Western Cape. The estimated readership is 92 000 (majority Afrikaans speaking).

The content consists of general news, sports, youth news, lifestyle and arts pages, social pages, letters/opinion page and a separate business section (including classifieds, properties and vacancies).
Paarl Post is by far the dominant newspaper in its geographic area, with the greatest market penetration of any news publication available in the area, because it focuses exclusively on local news (irrespective of social class, age, gender, income or creed). As a result it is also the leading advertising medium for the area, producing excellent results for advertisers.

It varies from 32 to 48 pages per week, with special monthly supplements focusing on the town of Wellington, as well as other regular supplements on motoring, eating out, education etc.
Special supplements are produced for events like Mother's Day, Women's Day, Father's Day, Families in Business, Health, Holiday Getaways, Ramadan and Christmas.


The newspaper maintains a high standard of content and has a lively, colourful lay-out. It has won many awards for quality in journalism.

In September 2008, Paarl Post won the Cronwright Trophy for best design and production in the community press for the sixth time in 12 years.
In 2003, Paarl Post won a merit award for design in the Mondi National Press Awards.

Area and demographics

Paarl, Wellington and Franschhoek are located in the heart of the winelands of the Boland.
Paarl has the largest population of any town in the Western Cape, outside the Cape Metropole. An estimated 150 000 people live in the circulation area of the newspaper.
The area is well-known for its top schools, the Wellington campus of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, and the headquarters of Boland cricket, athletics and rugby.


The Paarl Post was first published on 14 January 1905 as direct successor to the famous rebel newspaper Die Afrikaanse Patriot, the first Afrikaans newspaper in South Africa.

Die Afrikaanse Patriot first appeared on 15 January 1876 in a small format as a monthly magazine promoting Afrikaans as an alternative to Dutch. It eventually grew to a popular weekly paper that was nationally famous for its pro-Afrikaans and anti-British sentiments.

In 1878 it became a weekly paper. There were many subscribers all over the country and its circulation rose to 3700 in the 1880s due to its support of Afrikaner politics and its opposition to the British colonial government. It was founded by the Genootskap van Regte Afrikaners and was published by DF du Toit & Co, which published many other Afrikaans periodicals and books.

Rev SJ du Toit - Editor (1876-1904)

Under the editorship of Rev SJ du Toit, the newspaper changed its political support to favour the British government's imperialism before and during the Anglo Boer War. Its heavy criticism of Paul Kruger caused it to lose most of its readers.

When the newspaper fell bankrupt and closed at the end of 1904, DF du Toit & Co decided to launch a new, less political newspaper, the Paarl Post, circulating locally and publishing in English and Afrikaans. The company change
d hands in 1923 and was renamed the Paarl Printing Company under ownership of Dr AL de Jager (MP). In 1938 the Retief family purchased it.

In 1988 the newspaper printing section split from the Paarl Printing Company into a separate entity, still owned by the Retief family.

Media 24 obtained a 50% share of Paarl Post in 1995, which was increased to 75% in 2002, while the Retief family retained management control. Since 2002, Paarl Post has been part of the Boland Newspaper Group, consisting of 14 community newspapers within the Media 24 stable.
On 1 April 2009, Media 24 obtained full ownership of Paarl Post newspaper.

The office is located on Patriot Square at 1A New Street, Paarl 7646 (postal address PO Box 409, Paarl 7620), telephone +27 +21 870-4600, Fax 872-9280. Key members of staff are Ilse Fourie (manager) and Anne Kruger (editor).

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